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Sicilian Cooking


Sicilian Holidays


Saint Rosalie's Feast - il Festino

The Festino, la Grande Festa, goes from July 13th to July 15th. For the occasion a big barge is built with the statue of the Saint in the square outside the Cathedral; the statue remains covered with a veil until the 13th, when the rituals start with sermons, prayers, hymns and concerts, with...

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Christmas - Natale

Christmas day was a day of celebration and a special dinner was served according to the local traditions, available food, and the family economic conditions. As time went by, the food prepared for the Christmas Holiday has been subjected to changes and affected by the new lifestyle ...


Easter Celebration - La Santa Pasqua

Since early times, eons before the Jewish-Christian religion expanded in the known world, the period between the months of March and April after the Spring Equinox (from the Latin: aequus meaning equal and nox meaning night)...

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Saint Joseph Table - La Tavola di San Giuseppe

...the night of March 18th big piles made of wood, old furniture and junks are burned in honor of Saint Joseph. As the legend relates San Giuseppe is celebrated for an act of mercy he granted: in fact due to an exceptional drought, Saint Joseph...