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Sicilian Cooking


sfingi recipes

Sfingi fritti

Introduction to Sfingi

Since ancient times, the end of winter and the beginning of spring is celebrated all over the world. In the Scandinavia Peninsula pigs were roasted as a sacrifice to the deities to ask for abundant crops, good fishing and strong offspring.

Sfingi San Giuseppe 2

Saint Joseph Sfingi

To commemorate San Giuseppe, the leavened dough, originally used to make the breasts of a virgin is improved with eggs to make it lighter and tastier, stuffed with ricotta cream, decorated with a cherry, symbolizing the nipple, and called Sfingi di San Giuseppe.

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Sfingi con Ricotta

The recipe for the ricotta fritters, Sfingi (unrelated to Saint Joseph Sfingi) is easy to make, it is made with flour, sugar, ricotta, eggs, lemon zest, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and to activate it as a leavening agent, some milk.


Home made Sfingi

The home-made Sfingi are less frequently made today than in the old days....Still, because of the easiness of the preparation, this basic recipe for Sfingi is very much liked and prepared by many housewives.

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My Mother’s Sfingi Recipe

My mother made these delicious delicacies only if she was in the mood and had the time to make them. She never weighed or measured the ingredients, but the end results were always positive.


San Martin’s Sfingi with Potatoes

The feast of Saint Martin is celebrated on November 11. Around this time the fermented grapes have completed their cycle and the wine is ready to be drunk. This feast is associated with this event, hence the proverb “ Per San Martino il mosto diventa vino – For Saint Martin ..