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Sicilian Cooking


Recipes for Pastry Components


Pan di Spagna

This sponge cake was originally made without using any specific recipe. The main ingredients flour, sugar, eggs and a leavening agent, as baking powder or lemon juice, were put together without using a scale or measuring the ingredients.


Custard or Pastry Cream

This cream is employed to fill pastries, cakes or pies. In English and Norwegian languages and in the northern part of Europe this cream has been mostly used to fill pie crusts hence the term custard, from crust.

ricotta cream

Ricotta Cream

The ricotta cream is widely used in baking Sicilian desserts and as filling for cannoli, cassate, for the Saint Joseph sfingi and other various, colorful and specialty pastries. The easiness of the preparation and the rich taste of this mixture makes it a well-liked dessert to serve per se or with berries or any other fruits.



Biancomangiare is a simple dessert that is usually served with fresh berries or covered with sweet sauce or with Macedonia di frutta a fruit salad with an assortment of fresh cut fruits dressed with sugar and drizzled with liquor.


Zuccata Pumpkin

In Sicily, the yellow pumpkins are abundant and cooked as appetizers, side dishes and in a sweet version used in breads, cookies, sweets and cakes. Pumpkins preserved with sugar in Italian are called Zuccata or in Sicilian Cucuzzata.


The Glaze

The outside of many pastries is covered with a light layer of glaze prepared with confectionery sugar and lemon juice and butter. The sourness of the lemon juice should counterbalance the sweetness of the confectionery sugar and to ..