Sicilian Cooking

Cooking in The Province of Agrigento

The province of Agrigento encompasses a large area and is one of the richest places in the world for archeological treasures. La Valle dei Tempi, Temples’ Valley is a territory south of Agrigento, gently sloping towards the sea where many temples and other monuments stand as testaments of the art, civilization and love the Greeks had for the land they called Magnificent Greece.
Called by the Greeks Akragas for the nearby river of the same name, it was changed by the Romans into Agrigentum (land of farmers), by the Saracen into Karkint, by the Byzantines into Girgentum and lastly by Mussolini into Agrigento.

The city of Agrigento has circa 60,000 inhabitants and it is a center of trade for the province.

Porto Empedocle Vigata, a port city on the coast of the Strait of Sicily is the center of trade for the province.

For the province of Agrigento, the most important economic resources are commercial fishing, agriculture and tourism.
This province gave the world the genius Empedocles, born in Porto Empedocle, and Luigi Pirandello, a Nobel Prize winner in literature. Another son of this province is the internationally acclaimed writer, Andrea Camilleri.

The culinary landscape is rich, diverse and tasteful as well as prosperous and supported by varied products of the region.

Baked breads stuffed with olives and scallions are called ‘nmiscati, whereas mignulati are stuffed with sausage meat and cheese.

Cuddiruna is a rectangular focaccia stuffed with fried onions, tomatoes, sliced boiled potatoes, anchovies, herbs and cheese. Cuddiruna in bianco is a white version, made using cauliflower instead of tomato. Each family makes variations, adding meat, fish or vegetables.
Tianu d’Aragona is a specialty of baked rigatoni with meat sauce, tuma which is fresh cheese, peas, eggs and grated cheese.
Cavatelli col sugo e melenzane is a dish of semolina gnocchi in tomato sauce and fried eggplants.
Maccu con finocchio has the consistency of polenta and is made with well-cooked and pureed fava beans and wild fennel.
Pesce all ghiotta is a meal of assorted fish cooked in a very light tomato sauce with capers, olives, garlic and herbs.
Pesce incanalatu is a classic dish cooked in this province: fish are stuffed with herbs, laid on a terracotta Spanish tile and cooked on an open fire covered with burning charcoals.
The popular Sicilian sweets are exceptionally well made. The delicious local ricotta used for the cannoli and cassata makes them mouth-watering desserts. Almonds grown in the area are combined to produce an assortment of cookies and pastries.
Cacateddi are small cookies filled with figs cooked in wine and enriched with sugar, almonds, orange peel, raisins, cinnamon, cloves and grounded black pepper. They are traditionally homemade for Christmas, but can be found in most pastry shops all year. Other specialties are must wine mostaccioli cookies and the rami di miele which are made with honey.

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