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Sicilian Cooking


Vegetable Recipes


Healing properties of Vegetables and herbs in the sicilian diet

...But aside from the nutritional value, the vegetables that are part of the Sicilian diet are and have been used as remedies to solve health problems since ancient times. The secrets and knowledge of the use of vegetables and herbs is handed down from generation to generation and usually in every family there is someone with this knowledge and ready to give any needed advices...


Fried Vegetables - Frittedda

This is a vegetable dish I enjoy eating for the delicate and delightful fragrance. Aunt Francesca specialized in the preparation of this simple and typical Palermitano dish. When I cooked the Frittedda at Joe's of Ave U...


Eggplants Recipes (Milinciani)

Here you will find a variety of eggplant recipes: beccafico style, croquettes, rolled with ricotta, stuffed (abbuttunati), rolled with salami, stuffed and grilled, grilled with vinaigrette, preserved in oil, Cardinale style and Parmiciana (aka parmigiana) style.

Baking Potato side view

PotatoES Recipes

Here you will find recipes to make: cazzilli, potatoes salad, baked potatoes, baked potatoes Sfincione, stewed potatoes and Gratto' or potatoes cake.


Cardoons ReciPes

You will learn how to prepare and cook the cardoons as well as making fried cardoons, cardoons in batter and cardoon salad.


Finocchi Fennels

The finocchio, fennel, a perennial plant originally grown in the Mediterranean region it spreads and is now cultivated in Asia and in the Americas. There are two types of fennels: the sweet fennel and the common fennel.



Endive (Cichorium Endivia) includes three principal varieties: the Belgian endive, the curly escarole, also called chicory and the escarole. ...The curly escarole can be used as a salad or cooked as a vegetable....


Tomato Recipes

Here you will find an introduction to tomatoes and the recipes for stuffed tomatoes and tomato salad. For tomato sauces see Sauces and Condiment menu and for recipes about pasta with tomato sauce see the Pasta menu.


Artichokes Recipes

Here you will find recipes for artichokes a' Viddanedda, artichokes Attuppati, as well as ten recipes for stuffed artichokes! An Introduction will explain the history of the artichoke in Sicily and how to prepare artichokes for cooking. Also, there is a page explaining the cooking of stuffed artichokes in Sicily.



The spinach, in Italian Spinacio, is a green vegetable available fresh throughout the year. Preferred and tastier in season which runs from the middle of February to the end of May and from September ..


Fava Beans Puree - Maccu

The Tavola of San Giuseppe is an offering to the Saint that consists of a collection of food harvested around March 19th, to thank him for the past year’s bounty and to get his blessings for the coming harvesting season. ...

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Fava Beans

Fava beans are one of the oldest cultivated plants. They had been grown in the Mediterranean regions, in China and in others Asian countries for over 5000 years. They are grown in California ..


Peppers Recipes

On this page you will find the recipes for roasted peppers, fried peppers, peppers with tomato and stuffed peppers. An introduction on peppers with some history and description of the varieties of peppers is included.


Stuffed Vegetables

At Joe’s of Avenue U , the Focacceria Palermitana in Brooklyn, NY, the Thursday special was the stuffed vegetables. We prepared zucchini stuffed with a light and delicate meat stuffing, red or yellow peppers ..


Introduction to Broccoli

One of the best remedies in the world beneficial to our health is sold without prescription, it is reasonably priced, it is tasty, once you become familiar with its mild bitter taste, and it is available in vegetable stores and supermarkets: the broccoli.



Sparaceddi called also sparacelli is a vegetable similar to the broccoli raab or broccoli rape or rabe, or broccoletti or rapine. This plant, native to the Mediterranean Basin and China, is related to the turnip, cabbage and mustard.

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Sautéed Broccoli

Broccoli is a vegetable easily available and offered all year in all supermarkets. Because of the many benefits associated with the consumption of broccoli, it makes this easy to prepare and healthy vegetable well accepted.

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Sautéed Broccoli Rabe

In the USA and in some regions of Italy the broccoli raab is available most of the year; in Sicily, they are available for a short time in the winter and are not as bitter as the raab found elsewhere. ...


Summer Sicilian Squash - Cucuzza

... In my family, the cucuzze were mostly cooked alla ghiotta with garlic or onions, olive oil, basil, and a little tomato either concentrated, canned, sun-dried or fresh; ...



Fresh zucchini are available all year around. They can be grilled, fried, boiled, cooked with pasta, stuffed with meat or vegetables or transformed into a side dish, il contorno to couple with chicken, veal or fish ..


Baked Cauliflower

Cauliflower is one of the most elegant vegetable from the cabbage family. The name means flower of the cabbage; It comes in different colors, it is simple to cook and can be easily associated as a side dish to many meals.

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Cauliflower Fritters

When I lived in Palermo, at dinner time, my mother served the cauliflower pancakes as a side dish or as a main dish paired with fresh cheese, green salad, sautéed vegetables and the delicious bread made in my hometown that Palermo is famous for ..


Sautéed Cauliflower with Sun Dried Tomatoes

Recipe contributed by Marzia Greco. The following recipe was sent by my niece Marzia who lives in Vittoria, in the province of Ragusa. Cauliflowers are plentiful in Vittoria and are used as a side dish or for condiment to pasta.