Braised Fennel with Red Onions
( Finocchio Brasato con Cipolla Rossa - Finocchi ‘Ngranciati ca’ Cipudda )
- Serving Size5
- VegetablesBraised Fennels with Red Onnions
- 5 fennels
2 medium-size red onions, sliced
6 tablespoons of olive oil
1 tablespoon lightly toasted breadcrumbs
4 tablespoons of your preferred grated cheese
To prepare fennels for cooking, trim, cut base, discard rough outer leaves and stalks. Eliminate any wilted or bruised part.
Set on the side the inside tender green leaves attached in the center of the white bulbous part, to be used as garnish or to flavor other recipes.
Cut each fennel vertically into 8 pieces, wash carefully and place in a colander to drain.
In a small saucepan, bring to a boil about a quart of water.
Combine the olive oil and the onions in a large sauté pan and place over a medium heat.
When the onions turn translucent, add the fennel and salt and pepper to taste; bring to a high heat and sauté for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add a quarter of a cup of hot water and as it returns to a boil, lower the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes.
Test every few minutes add some more water if needed a little at a time and cook until it feels tender to the pinching of a fork. Taste for salt and pepper and add if needed. When it is done, let the finocchio absorb all the cooking liquid and mix in the grated cheese.
Garnish with toasted bread crumbs and some of the fennel’s tender green leaves.
Serve hot or at room temperature with red hot pepper, il peperoncino rosso, on the side.