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Pasta with Fried Vegetables

( Pasta con Frittellata di Verdure - Pasta C’a’ Frittedda )

This is a vegetable dish I enjoy eating for the delicate and delightful fragrance. Zia Francesca specialized in the preparation of this simple and typical Palermitano dish. When I cooked the Frittedda at Joe’s of Avenue U – the Focacceria Palermitana in Brooklyn, NY – I did exactly the way zia Francesca showed me, and if you follow her simple directions as I did, you will discover how easy and tasty this dish can be.

  • Serving Size4
  • Meatless PastaPasta with Fried Vegetables - Frittedda


    • 6 scallions cut 1/4 of inch
      6 fresh artichokes or use a package of frozen artichokes
      1 lb. of peeled fresh fava beans or use frozen or canned or substitute with lima beans
      1 lb. of fresh peeled peas or use frozen peas
      4 tablespoons of olive oil
      Salt and pepper
      1 lb. of your preferred pasta
      Parsley to garnish



    If using frozen vegetables defrost following package directions.


    If using fresh artichokes wear utility gloves so you can avoid staining your hands. Prepare a basin with water, acidulated with the juice of a lemon, to soak the artichokes after they are trimmed, to prevent discoloration.
    Remove stem and hard outer leaves- 2 or 3 rows-of artichokes until leaves became lighter and tender; trim base.
    Cut off one-third of the pointy top, split in four.
    Remove the inner leaves with quills and scrape the choke. Cut each quarter into 3 or 4 pieces, according to the size of the artichoke.
    Soak the trimmed artichokes in water and repeat for remaining artichokes. If using frozen artichokes, cut each in half.
    Drain artichokes and place on paper towel to remove any moisture.


    In a 3 quart saucepan pour the oil and sauté the scallions for 3 to 4 minutes, at a medium heat.


    Add the artichokes, and cook over a high heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.


    Add the fava beans, the peas, salt and pepper to taste.


    Add enough hot water to cover vegetables, cover pot and simmer for an additional 20 minutes or until tender.
    Check often and if it gets too dry add some more hot water; if there is too much liquid continue to cook it uncovered.
    It should not be served too watery, or too dry.


    In a small pot, place 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 crushed cloves of garlic, sauté over a medium heat until golden in color. Discard garlic, set aside.


    Cook your preferred pasta al dente as per manufacture’s directions.
    Drain pasta reserving 1 cup of pasta water.


    In the pot where pasta was cooked, combine the pasta, half of the frittedda, the oil and toss over a medium heat to blend the vegetables with the pasta. If it is too dry add some pasta water.


    Remove from heat and mix in 3 tablespoons of your preferred grated cheese. Serve immediately, and garnish with some frittedda and chopped parsley. Serve grated cheese on side.