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Sicilian Cooking

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-27 at 9.15.09 PM

Saint Martin Crispeddi (Fritters with Raisins)

( Crispeddi con Uvetta Secca - Crispeddi di San Martinu )

In the eastern part of Sicily and in particular in Catania and Syracuse, the feast of Saint Martin, on November 11th, is celebrated with religious rite and with the preparation of gastronomic specialties. As for the Sicilian proverb: pi San Martinu ogni mostu diventa vinu, which translate for Saint Martin must become wine, hence the new wines are tasted coupled with special dishes and desserts.  In the country towns wine tasting is associated with the traditional slaughtering of pigs as for another proverb: for Saint Martin butcher the pigs and taste the wine, in Sicilian s’ammazza lu porcu e si sazza lu vinu

Prosciutti and salami are prepared for the coming winter and to celebrate San Martino is prepared pasta with pork meat ragu’ in bianco, barbeque sausages and special fritters, Crispeddi with raisins.

  • Yield15 to 20 Crispeddi
  • Sicilian DessertsSaint Martin Crispeddi (Fritters with Raisins)


    • 1 lb flour
      ¼ cup sugar
      1 oz of active dry yeast diluted in 4 cups of warm water (slightly warmer than lukewarm)
      1 teaspoons of salt
      ¾ cup raisins
      Canola oil for frying



    After soaking the raisins in warm water for a few minutes, Place in a colander to drain. Coat the raisins with a little flour and keep on the side.


    Dissolve and blend well in the water, the yeast, sugar and salt: wait 10 minutes to check if the yeast is active and healthy. If it foams the yeast is active.

    Add the flour and mix until soft dough is obtained. If mixture is too wet add a small amount of flour, a little at the time; it should be smooth, without lumps and of a thicker consistency than a batter for frying.

    Mix in the raisins and cover; set aside in a warm place until it almost doubles its size, 1 to 2 hours.


    Deep fry at 375 F,  dropping the mixture a few spoons at the time, without crowding the fryer. To deposit the fritters in the oil use the help of another spoon. Deep fry the fritters until golden. Transfer to drain in a dish covered with paper towels.


    Serve hot or cold, sprinkled with sugar mixed with cinnamon.