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Sicilian Cooking


Introduction to Broccoli

( Broccoli – I Giumma )

One of the best remedies in the world beneficial to our health is sold without prescription, it is reasonably priced, it is tasty, once you become familiar with its mild bitter taste, and it is available in vegetable stores and supermarkets: the broccoli. 

The green broccoli which looks like a small cauliflower is part of the Brassica family, along with cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.

Broccoli is grown and harvested in large quantities in California and Arizona and its cultivation started in 1928 from seeds imported from Italy. The D’Arrigo Brothers, two immigrants from Messina, founded in 1927 the Andy Boy Company in California, one of the largest growers of broccoli and of a large variety of vegetables.

The broccoli is usually cooked boiled, steamed, stir-fried, sliced thin and mixed in salads or with a dip as a crudity or appetizer. Do not overcook broccoli because it will cause the loss of nutrients and its medical properties. Broccoli is high in vitamin C essential for our metabolic functions and in vitamin B Complex essential for growth, development and other bodily functions. 

Cosi amari tienili cari  translate from Sicilian “love bitter food” it is very truthful when referred to broccoli: a compound, glucoraphanin gives to the broccoli that slightly bitter taste and contains substances effective to the management of the human immune system to stop the growth and defend against cancer, viral and bacterial activities.

Some studies show that eating broccoli helps in the prevention of some coronary diseases and protects against prostate and lung cancer. Other researchers discovered that a substance in broccoli is effective against peptic ulcers and stomach cancer. Buy fresh and crispy broccoli with a deep green shade, the stems should be a lighter green color, without dark spots or damages.