Baked Fish Fillets with Sun-Dried Tomatoes
( Filetto al Forno con Salsa Basilico e Pomidoro Secco )
When buying fish fillets or steaks remember to check that the flesh is firm to your touch, make sure that they appear moist and have a pleasant smell. This sauce made with onions, dry tomatoes, basil, and wine, is very easy to prepare and it blends with the taste of the fish, to produce a pleasant, different and new experience to your taste buds. At Joe’s of Avenue U, the Focacceria Palermitana in Brooklyn, NY, we developed this sauce to go with fish having a mild taste, as a matter of fact, the basil, the dry tomato and the other ingredients would add to the dish distinction and character. Although there are no set rules, we preferred to use this sauce when baking halibut, perches, snappers, turbot and when we rarely cooked freshwater fish.
- Serving Size4
- SeafoodBaked Fish Fillets with Sun-dried Tomatoes
- 1 ½ lb. fish fillets washed and patted dry. Cut into 4 or 8 pieces
3 medium potatoes (about 1 lb.) thinly sliced and blanched
6 tablespoons of olive oil
1 onion, finely diced (about 6 oz.)
½ lb. sun-dry tomatoes, finely chopped
¼ cup of water
½ cup of white wine
¼ cup of basil leaves, finely chopped
salt and pepper to taste
pinch of hot red pepper flakes (Optional)
basil leaves for garnish
In a 1¼ quart saucepan, over medium heat, combine onions and 3 tablespoons of oil and sauté until golden, about 8 to 10 minutes.
Add dry tomatos and cook, stirring and adding the water a little at a the time.
When the water evaporates add wine and after 4 to 5 minutes, add a pinch of red pepper (optional), add basil, salt and pepper to taste.
Put aside
In a baking pan spread blanched potatoes and sprinkle on top 3 tablespoons of oil, salt, pepper and place fish over it.
Shake salt and pepper over fish fillets and spoon on top basil -tomato sauce.
Bring oven temperature to 400F and bake for 30 minutes.
Transfer to a serving dish and garnish with basil leaves. Serve the potatoes as the contorno, side dish.