Shell Pasta with Ricotta
( Conchiglie con Ricotta - Pasta ca Ricuotta )
This simple dish is tasty, easy to make and very popular in Sicily. It is made with few and healthy ingredients, and can be easily prepared in a short time. Mr. Frank Curcurato suggested this recipe. Frank ’s grandmother, on the Sicilian side of his family, cooked “the pasta con ricotta” in the same manner as we do in my family. This dish was always served as soon as it came out of the pot and will be enjoyed if properly served in a warm bowl.
- Serving Size4-6
- Meatless PastaShell Pasta with Ricotta
- 1 lb. shell pasta
1 lb. ricotta
salt and pepper to taste
Parmesan cheese or your preferred cheese the ricotta
Some people prefer it without cheese to take pleasure in the taste of the ricotta
Cook pasta in an abundant amount of salted water following manufacturer’s recommendation.
While the pasta is cooking, combine the ricotta with ½ cup of boiling water from the pasta pot, mix it until smooth. When pasta is cooked drain and reserve 2 cups of pasta water, return the pasta to the pot.
Keeping on a low flame, fold in the ricotta, add salt and pepper to taste. If you feel that the macaroni are too dry add reserved water as needed. Sprinkle some cheese and serve immediately.